Sunday, 15 July 2012

tie dye hip dip

Hm well I'm not really an urban outfitters kinda gal, but recently I spotted a tie dye playsuit there that looked reeeeal cute. It's something like £40 but could become a real look over the summer because you can wear it with so much.. Beach wear with tanned pins or with tights and leather. OH HOW FUCKIN VERSATILE. well I've got everything up and running on my phone now, literally one whole page just fashwan apps. Dedication right?? I have also jumped onto the instagram bandwagon, @esmeejay like always. I'll probably just take pics of cool things I spot and if I wear any outfits that in proud of then those too yuh. Sorry this blog was quite awful, went off on a right ol tangent. Where are your journalistic SKILLS THO? laters ma homays. xo

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